Vintage Hollywood Women: Uncover the Darlings Who Dared
There’s a delicious mix of sheroes—many on the LGBTQ spectrum—who roared onto the scene in the 1920s and '30s and took early Hollywood by storm.
Diverse as these women were in personality, talent, and achievement, their respective legacies hold powerful shared themes. These bold women knew how to truly get it done—as actors, writers, producers, and directors. We can use their wisdom to conquer the 21st-century challenges that we face. You'll leave this interactive workshop ready to live your most fabulous creative life. |
What People Are Saying About the Workshop:
“Lauren brings an iconic woman to life and makes one feel as though they were an intimate friend of Garbo. Invite her and feel the magic of insider time travel.”
– Greta Schiller, Emmy Award winner, “Paris Was a Woman” and “Before Stonewall” "I loved learning about LGBT/ally women in Old Hollywood in order to inspire you to lead a bolder, fiercer life." -Clare M., student "It is such an empowering workshop, you learn about so much that you don't usually get to hear about. You get to learn about the women of Vintage Hollywood that really helped paved the way." -Student and workshop attendee "I left thinking about how we all need to be comfortable in our own skin. It also applies to self-image and accepting yourself as you are whether overweight or skinny, tall or short." -Laura P., student "I loved hearing stories about the individuals we talked about and what lessons we could learn from them." – J.T., student |
Now Accepting Booking Dates!
Please email Lauren at [email protected] for booking inquiries.